Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Shredding: Day 8

Day 8 was pretty good. I hurt my foot during the first cario routine, but was still able to get through the rest of the workout. I'm starting to get excited about getting to level two. It looks like it's going to be tough, but I'm ready!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Shredding: Day 7...Again

I'm back, sort of. Because I could not work out yesterday due to my health (I had a major allergy/asthma attack on Sunday), I decided to go back to day 7. I felt like I would be cheating myself to skip a day and decided to go backward in order to move forward. My breathing was still rough, so it was hard to do the cardio. I managed to get through it though and am excited to move on to day 8 tomorrow! 

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Shredding: Day 7

No problems today! I jumped out of bed, downed a glass of ice water and hit it! I’m pushing myself deeper into the movements and am feeling it! It’s a bit icy out, but I’m going to attempt to go for a short run today. Working out this morning really got me pumped, and I’m thinking of starting to shred before work every day so that I’m not a zombie there.

Shredding: Day 6

I can already tell that Friday’s are going to be a problem. I was going to a show and barely had time to squeeze in my workout between work and having to leave. I might need to start waking up early and shredding before work. Yuck! Thankfully I wasn’t sore after. I would’ve sucked to have not been able to enjoy the show because of the burn. 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Shredding Day: 5

Yes, day 5! There were only two things holding me back today: tiredness after work and tight legs. I fought through both and finished my workout. I even made it through all the strength routines without wimping out on some of the raises! This routine is honestly starting to get boring. I think I’m going to start adding running into the mix to make it more interesting. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Shredding: Day 4

Everything was super tight today. I was worried about not warming up, so I stretched on my own before starting. I honestly didn’t think I was going to be able to do it because legs were sore, but I made it through anyway. My legs hurt like a bitch after, though. I think I might be doing something wrong. I guess I’ll have to do a longer cool down as well. 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Shredding: Day 3

Woo, day 3 is done! I’m really starting to feel it in my arms. I can’t even begin to tell you how hard it was to squat and press. Thankfully the adrenaline kicked in half way through and I didn’t have a problem with the rest of the workout. My legs were a bit tight after, which means tomorrow isn’t going to be fun!  

Monday, January 21, 2013

Shredding: Day 2

Today kind of sucked. I could feel the burn in my arms and abs all day, which made things really uncomfortable at work. Even with the pain I was excited to venture into day 2. It was a lot easier to start, but the strength portion killed me. I really feel like I should’ve gone with lighter weights. I also realized that I was doing that moves a bit too quickly. Once I slowed down, things got much better. Here’s to hoping I’m able to move tomorrow! 

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Shredding: Day 1

I survived! I had heard that the first day is killer, and it was, but I managed to make it through. I haven’t had a good workout in at least three months (going to school full-time and working two 15 hour/week jobs doesn’t leave much time for anything other than sleep) and I could feel that my endurance was way done. I wanted to give up a few times, but a few seconds before stopping Jillian would talk about working through it, “abs don’t come for free,” ect. It made me push through. I really think that’s why this is going to work. I gave up on Tracy Anderson, but she was rainbows and butterflies. Jillian is a hard ass.  This is going to be fun. 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Shred

I decided right away that I was going to need a mentor to get me through this "get fit" process. I've tried  Tracy Anderson in the past, but let's be real —she's not exactly motivational. I've tried the little voice that told me when to run and walk while couch to 5k-ing and other cheese ball instructors, none worked. So then it hit me: why don't I just shock my system? Why don't I just use the one person who I know will kick my ass: Jillian Michaels.

Some of my friends have done Jillian's shred before and saw amazing results. Most just wanted to lose an inch. Others just wanted to be able to workout. I just want to stick to something for a month.  Since randomly jumping around my room and following the most ridiculous diet ever was out of the question (I'm looking at you, Tracy Anderson) and major workouts like Insanity are way above the level I want to be at, I think Jillian is going to be just right for me.

So, for the next month I'm hers. And for the next month I'll be detailing my journey through all 30 days. See you Sunday!

Putting the Sass in Sassy Water

So this is me: a 20-something spinster-in-training trying to make the most of a new year. Having recently graduated I’m not only preparing for the ridiculously boring and mundane life of a 9 to 5-er, but I’m also realizing that the excuse of being a college student is null and void. Gone are the days of mid-week bar crawls, 2 a.m. Cook Out visits, and sleeping until noon. My weekly workout consisted of running back and forth between classes, pubs, and surviving the Hill. I doubt my body will see the result of walking from my desk to the water cooler. 
As I venture off to spend 8 hours of my day sitting in a chair, I’m using this platform to try to stay fit. It’s not about losing weight. It’s about letting my inner fatty resemble the skinny girl on the outside. I want to run. I want to wake up feeling refreshed. I want to be sassy enough KO those bitches at Black Friday sales. 
So this isn’t about weight, and it definitely isn’t about a boy (I’m mean, my longest relationship has been a decade long affair with a fictional character and my 3 1/2 year long off-again, on-again was no Mr. Darcy), it’s about getting healthy. 
With that, I propose a toast to you and me. I raise my glass of Sassy Water and my bottle of wine to you in hopes that we can take this journey to get health together!