Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Shred

I decided right away that I was going to need a mentor to get me through this "get fit" process. I've tried  Tracy Anderson in the past, but let's be real —she's not exactly motivational. I've tried the little voice that told me when to run and walk while couch to 5k-ing and other cheese ball instructors, none worked. So then it hit me: why don't I just shock my system? Why don't I just use the one person who I know will kick my ass: Jillian Michaels.

Some of my friends have done Jillian's shred before and saw amazing results. Most just wanted to lose an inch. Others just wanted to be able to workout. I just want to stick to something for a month.  Since randomly jumping around my room and following the most ridiculous diet ever was out of the question (I'm looking at you, Tracy Anderson) and major workouts like Insanity are way above the level I want to be at, I think Jillian is going to be just right for me.

So, for the next month I'm hers. And for the next month I'll be detailing my journey through all 30 days. See you Sunday!

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